Replacing a Single Tooth With Dental Implants

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Dental implants are synthetic materials that can be used to replace missing teeth in an oral surgery. A dental implant is usually a ceramic-based composite material that interfaces with the healthy bone in the jaw or skull to serve as an anchor for a dental artificial device like a denture, bridge, crown, or even an orthodontic appliance. There are many advantages of using dental implants. See page to learn more about this product.

The main advantage of dental implants is that they can support a complete set of teeth in one simple surgery. This means there are not many months or even years required for tooth regrowth before the new teeth can take over again. Once the healing period is over, however, the natural bone in the jaw or the skull will have to be adapted to the new dental implants so that the prosthetic can be properly installed and aligned properly. Discover about the Cosmetic dentistry Thayer now.

When a dental implant is used, the dentist will place the abutment directly over the natural teeth or over a fake tooth. The abutment is then secured onto the bone with a special titanium screw. Once this is done, the dentist will drill into the abutment to "seal" it into the bone. After this is completed, the abutment can then be replaced on top of the remaining tooth.

Since dental implants may not last as long as traditional dentures, it may be necessary to have them replaced after a year or two. This is especially true if the dentist has placed the metal post too high onto the jaw bone or vice versa. Replacing the post at a more appropriate height will not only increase the longevity of the prosthetic, but will also provide more comfortable bite pressure. This can reduce instances where a dentist has to forcefully remove the old post to allow for the installation of the new one.

The cost of dental implants usually depends on the number of teeth being replaced, the type of dental implants used, and the general health of the patient. Although they are less expensive than other types of dental procedures, there is always a chance that the overall costs will be greater than the savings obtained from avoiding dental problems such as cavities and lost teeth. However, this can be offset when several teeth in a row have to be replaced due to some accident or natural occurrence.

Dental implants are often a more practical option for adults who are missing all or some of their teeth. Because they cannot be replaced with dentures or bridges, they also provide an alternative for those who do not wish to wear dentures. Though dental implants can help to replace teeth for a longer period of time than other replacements, they also take longer to install than some other replacements. This means that those wishing to avoid the extra work and expense of dental implants should consider replacing a single tooth or several teeth using other options such as bridges. To get more details about this topic,see here: